When it comes to your mental health, you know that stress can be a huge factor in how you’re feeling, both emotionally and mentally. What you might not think about, however, is that it can also affect your physical health as well. When you feel stressed, your hormones respond in kind, and that can cause direct physical issues, such as imbalances that might contribute to major health issues, including autoimmune disease. If you’re dealing with stress—especially if stress is a major part of your everyday life, make sure you take the time for yourself to recuperate and relax, or take part in activities that create the calm reprise you need. From simple breathing exercises to activities like yoga, finding ways to keep yourself from feeling too overwhelmed and stressed can be as simple as they are good for you and your health. Read more…
Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) has emerged as a groundbreaking approach to addressing hormone imbalances in both men and women. Utilizing hormones that are chemically identical to those produced by […]
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