Are you the type of dieter who is ready to start fresh on January 1st, or possibly a seasonal dieter, one ready to start when it’s getting to be shorts and bathing suit weather? Either way, if you find yourself in the same place year after year, whatever you’re doing is probably not working. For some people, it’s Monday morning. At the beginning of each week, they are committed to faithfully losing weight and becoming healthier. Then, by the time they come home from work, they have already fallen off the diet wagon and feel defeated. Dieting can be a vicious cycle. Stress is a huge culprit in this battle, and it can lead to binge eating. The more stressed you feel, the more comfort you may find in eating. This is the time to step back and ask yourself, why are you overeating? If you’re not hungry, are you rewarding yourself? If you are feeling stressed, what can you do other than eating to help relieve your stress? And what will it take to finally stop having to go on diets and just be able to maintain a healthy weight? Read more…
Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) has emerged as a groundbreaking approach to addressing hormone imbalances in both men and women. Utilizing hormones that are chemically identical to those produced by […]
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