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Men’s Hormones Fluctuate During Pregnancy, Too

Published March 17, 2017

Men Experience Hormonal Changes During Pregnancy Too

If you’re an expectant father, it has to be disconcerting if you begin to look as though you’re carrying the child―or if you start to have bouts of nausea, unusual food cravings, backaches, or disrupted sleep like your partner. This is called sympathetic pregnancy, and although it isn’t universally recognized as a disease or condition, it’s actually not uncommon. Another name for it is couvade syndrome. Couvade comes from the French verb couver, which means “to incubate.” No one knows for sure, but over the years, there has been a lot of speculation about what causes this phenomenon. Some theories propose that it’s a psychiatric disorder stemming from the man’s envy of the woman’s ability to give birth, or that symptoms are a psychosomatic reaction to unresolved emotions. Current research, however, shows that, over the duration of the pregnancy, men’s hormones can fluctuate in concert with the woman’s, which may account for the physical nature of symptoms. Read more…

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  • I've been a patient of Dr. Landa for the past 3 months. I came to see her because I have all the menopause symptoms that were really driving me nuts and my cholesterol was high, my blood pressure was high, I have the night sweats, I have the mood swings. And I have to tell you that after 3 months…Read More
  • I came to see Doctor Landa 3 months ago and she understood all the problems that I have been concerned with. I have been taking the bioidentical hormones for three months and my life has improved tremendously. I feel great and I highly recommend Dr. Landa. *Results not typical. Always seek the advice of your physician or qualified healthcare provider…Read More
  • I came to see Dr. Jennifer Landa about 14 months ago. The bioidentical hormones have worked great for me! I have a lot more energy and feel younger than ever. I have several medications that I've stopped taking 8 months into the program. I used HCG to help with weight loss and altogether, I've lost 36 lbs. I feel great…Read More


March 7, 2025

Is BHRT Right for You? A Comprehensive Checklist for Men and Women Over 40

Aging is a natural process, but the hormonal changes that accompany it can sometimes feel anything but natural. For many men and women over 40, symptoms such as fatigue, weight […]

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