Many patients in the United States are overmedicated, and part of the reason why is that treating symptoms rather than finding and treating the underlying cause of any particular ailment happens more often than it should. In order to truly strive for health, the first place to start is to look at lifestyle—either before or in addition to traditional medication. Things like diet, exercise, sleep, and stress management have a tremendous impact on health, and many medications could be reduced or eliminated by practicing healthier lifestyle habits in these areas. Diet, for instance, has a huge impact on hormone health, and hormonal balance is a fundamental part of many processes in the body. When hormones are out of balance, symptoms can spiral out of control. If you want to restore your health, the first place to start is with what you eat. And new research suggests that what constitutes a healthy, balanced diet may, in fact, be tied to your individual needs. Read more…
Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) has emerged as a groundbreaking approach to addressing hormone imbalances in both men and women. Utilizing hormones that are chemically identical to those produced by […]
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