Have you noticed that when you talk to your friends they each have a different experience of menopause? Menopause truly is an individual experience—some women suffer from severe hot flashes and can experience them as many as twenty times a day while other women may never feel even a little flushed during the entire course of menopause. A recent study even classified women into four different groups based on the timing and duration of their hot flashes, from those who experience almost no symptoms to those whose hot flashes start years before menopause and linger on for years after. While the severity and duration of menopause symptoms can be hard to predict, in general, women who are in better health will most likely have an easier transition than women who aren’t. Fortunately, there are practical steps you can take to lessen hot flashes and other symptoms of menopause. Read more…
Aging is a natural process, but the hormonal changes that accompany it can sometimes feel anything but natural. For many men and women over 40, symptoms such as fatigue, weight […]
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