Here’s the scenario: you wake up at 6, brush your teeth, head to work, come home, eat a meal, go to bed, repeat ad nauseam until you’re so tired all you want to do is crawl into bed and not come out until Monday—but it’s only Wednesday, and you have two more days of this, plus too many people demanding your time. Okay, so maybe your life isn’t this crazy, but it sure feels that way—especially when it comes to finding time to do things you enjoy. If one of those things is exercising, you might find yourself even more frustrated. Finding ways to incorporate exercise into your daily routine doesn’t have to be an impossible dream. In fact, there are ways to get exercise into your day that you might not even have considered at first. It may surprise you to discover that exercise can be a part of your daily routine, even when your day seems to be at its most hectic ever. Read more…
Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) has emerged as a groundbreaking approach to addressing hormone imbalances in both men and women. Utilizing hormones that are chemically identical to those produced by […]
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